5 Quick Eco-Friendly Money Saving Tips

There is no secret that the eco-friendly movement is gaining traction. A big secret is that you can save a lot from embracing it. I have found a good amount of success by using the following tips and many others that I will be sharing with you in the upcoming weeks. Here are a few easy ones to get started.
1. Reusable water bottles -Did you know it can take up to three times the amount of water in one bottle to make just one bottled water? About 80 percent of plastic bottles don’t get recycled. By using reusable water bottles you can certainly save a lot on your wallet or pocket book. Keep a BPA free water bottle in your bag.
2. Digital yard sale — Have you taken a look at the rate of second hand shopping lately? You can sell your old stuff and actually make money. Yard sales reduce, reuse, and recycle. The net new energy to produce a new thing is zero. This adds more to your personal bottom line. Get your friends in on the action the bigger the sale the more customers you will find.
3. Watch those plugs — We all do it. We keep household appliances plugged in even when we don’t plan on using them for a while. These “vampire appliances” can still use electricity even though they are switched off. Older desktop computers, DVD players, and Apple TV are few to be on the look out for. Consider investing in a surge protector or power strip, turn all appliances off at once when not in use.
4. Take the junk out the trunk — This may be harder for some than others. Entrepreneurs and side hustlers may need this precious real estate but for those who don’t consider a clean trunk. A lighter car uses less fuel and saves you more money. Take off the roof rack and other accessories that you might not be immediately using.
5. Make your own cleaning supplies — Most commercial cleaning supplies do a wonderful job at cleaning but can also do a wonderful job of being harmful to the environment, plant life, and animal life. Use ingredients like lemon juice, baking soda, and vinegar to get to a cheap and easy cleaning solution. Just read my article on how to make your own cleaning supplies.
To learn more and save more with eco-friendly tips, follow on instagram.com/hamiltonperkins.